Daily Deal Funnel: Boost eCommerce sales online

Daily deal funnel guilde - Funnel Secrets

Give your customers what they crave – amazing deals!

Daily Deal Funnels lets you surprise and delight shoppers with limited-time offers.


This guide shows you how to create effective promotions that drive sales and customer loyalty – without the headaches.

What is Daily Deal?

A daily deal is a discounted offer for a product or service that runs for a limited time. Daily deals are often used at the front end of campaigns to generate leads or at the back end to get customers to purchase more.

The Deal Guy showing you the best offers examples that work effectively in the local stores in the video below.

YouTube video

The same thing happens in the online environment. LivingSocial and Groupon are Daily Deal Funnel famous that you recognize. You may be completely sick of these types of websites, or you might love them!

But, the strategy they did work really well. Keep reading to discover the funnel they used – Daily Deal Funnel.

Daily Deal Funnel Strategy

daily deal funnel - funnel hacker cookbook

The Daily Deal Funnel is simple! It has two pages:

  • Two-step order form page
  • Thank you page

1. Two-step order form page

Daily Deal Funnel Sales Page

We create an irresistible offer to convince your potential customers to buy your products or services on this page. The most popular offers are:

  • Giving a coupon code or discount
  • Create a high-value combo is a great way to boost your price but still have happy customers and make them feel it’s a bargain.

This page is significant because it determines whether or not the campaign will succeed. What really matters on this particular step of the funnel are your offers, which in most cases is why a funnel does not work out when you’re done with everything else right.

2. Thank You Page

Daily Deal Funnel Thank You Page

Now, the Thank You page is a “share page.” We encourage visitors to share the same deal with their friends and family members.

The more people brought in through referrals, the higher revenues grow. It’s been proven to grow exponentially over time.

How to Use the Daily Deal funnel in Your Business?

Author, Speaker, Coach, and Consultant

We could highlight one of our products each week with a coupon attached to the Thank You page. This would encourage people who sign up to share their unique link and personal code with others to spread awareness about your brand, which you want when using this marketing campaign.

eCommerce Business

Each week, the Daily Deal funnel could be used to highlight one of my products and attach a big discount coupon on their Thank You page after purchase.

B2B ( Bussiness to business)

We can use the Daily Deal funnel to offer a best-selling product and ask for lead sharing. Also, you can create this whenever you need new leads.

Professional service

I’d use the Daily Deal Funnel to steeply discount my most popular service and give buyers a walk-in coupon to share with their friends.

Retail / Brick & Mortar Business

I’d study the best-selling offers on Groupon and model one of those to create my offer, then run it as an evergreen offer for new customers only.

Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing

I’d use the Daily Deal Funnel to offer first-time customers one of my bestselling products and then ask them to share this offer with their friends on the Thank You Page. I’d use this funnel every time I needed new leads.

Daily Deal Funnel tips

1. Create an irresistible offer

YouTube video

The offer is the heart of a business’s success. It drives revenue, captures leads and prospects into your funnel to make it work. Without an irresistible offer at its core, any sales or marketing campaign will not be as successful.

According to Entrepreneur, there are 7 keys to creating an irresistibly compelling offer.

  • Be clear
  • Create high-value offer
  • Provide a discount or a premium service
  • Offer explained
  • Require a rapid response
  • Build strong call to action
  • Provide an unbreakable guarantee.

2. Beware of fake discount price

fake discount price

Many businesses are being caught inflating prices on their daily deal promotions to claim they’re offering 50-90% off when in reality, it’s not the case.

Fake discount prices can help you generate revenue in the short term, but customers won’t believe your false claims anymore.

3. True expiration dates

discount deal with expiration date
Home Gym discount offer with an expiration date

Have you ever received an attractive offer? The product you are interested in is being discounted for a limited time? You decide to buy it immediately when this happens.

After that, you realize that the price was not discounted? This is because that company makes these offers all year round.

Customers are smarter than ever before.

They’re aware of marketing tricks, and short-lived offers will no longer fool them if your company tricks them. It won’t work in the future either, even though it may seem like a good offer with an expiration date, which is true.

Customers no longer believe the offers due to past misleads and don’t take action on these deals.

4. Use a good platform to save time

Kartra landing page builder
Kartra Landing Page Builder

As business owners, we should focus on what we are good at. Don’t let technical waste your time. Using premium tools like Clickfunnels or Kartra can help you save a lot of time building a landing page and automating your sales process.

Save yourself the hassle of learning how to use complicated software by using an easy-to-use platform! With just one click, you can create an entire funnel from scratch without any coding experience necessary.

Funnel hacker's cookbook template
Clickfunnels Template

Drag & drop editor makes it simple for anyone to create beautiful pages in minutes – no design skills required!

And with integrations for everything from email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and AWeber to payment processors like PayPal and Stripe, nothing is stopping you from creating the perfect funnel today!


The old-school marketing tactic of the Daily Deal has been around for a while, but it’s still effective. By combining this with sales funnel techniques, you can quickly create an offer and run evergreen campaigns to generate leads and new clients. Would you like to discover all recipes of the top funnels? get Funnel Hacker Cookbook today for free!

🔗 Read more:

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Key Nguyen

Key is the brainchild behind Funnelsecrets.us. You’ll often find him analyzing conversion rates, tweaking landing pages, and exploring new marketing automation software. He loves to write about sales funnel building and is always tinkering with the latest conversion optimization techniques!